get off the horse和get on the horse的中文意思是什么?


get off the horse和get on the horse的中文意思是什么?

He got off the horse when he saw that girl,
She got on the horse to chase that guy.这个没有什么引申义是吗?Eighth, the statement that "if you don't get off the horse quickly, there will be the danger of breaking up the worker-peasant alliance" is probably an "argument" relayed down from the Rural Work Department of the Central Committee. 第八,所谓“如不赶快下马,就要破坏工农联盟”,这大概是*农村工作部传下去的一个“道理”。3.They think that the present situation in the co-operative movement is very dangerous, and they advise us to "get off the horse quickly" in our present advance along the road of co-operation. 他们认为目前合作化运动的情况很危险,他们劝我们从目前合作化的道路上“赶快下马”。 4.Although there are times when we get off the horse, as a rule we get on more often. 虽然有下马,总是上马的时候多。好好看看第四个例句吧。和汉语的引申意思差不多,