


A:Tell me a little bit about yourself.请介绍一下你自己.
B:My name is David and I live in Shanghai,I was born in 1980.My major was electrical engineering.我叫David,住在上海,出身于1980年.我的专业是电子工程.
A:What kind of personality do you think you have?你认为你有怎样的性格?
B:Well,I approach things very enthusiastically,I think,and I don't like to leave things half-done.I'm very organized and extremely capable.嗯,我做事非常热心,我不喜欢把事情做一半.我非常有组织能力,也很能干.
A:What would you say are your weaknesses and strengths?你的弱点和优点是什么?
B:Well,I'm afraid I'm a poor speaker,however I'm fully aware of this,so I've been studying how to speak in public.I suppose my strengths are I'm persistent and a fast-learner.嗯,我不太擅长说话,我已经意识到这点,因此正在学习如何在公众场所说话.我想我的优点是很执着,而且学东西很快.
A:Do you have any licenses or certificates?你有执照或资格证书吗?
B:I have a driver's license,and I am a CPA (Certified Public Accountant).我有驾驶执照,我是注册会计师.
A:How do you relate to others?你和别人相处如何?
B:I'm very co-operative and have good teamwork spirit.我能与人合作,富有团队精