今晚就要 中文译英文 就几句 1 将要到站的火车是伦敦来的2今天晚上我还有一些家务活要做3没有什么值得担心的4通往我家乡的那条路非常窄5在操场上踢足球的那个男孩是我的同桌 6昨晚被警察抓住的那个小偷被投入*


今晚就要 中文译英文 就几句
1 将要到站的火车是伦敦来的

1. The train approaching is from London.
2. Tonight I still have some house work to do.
3. There is nothing to be worried about.
4. The road that leads to my hometown is very narrow.
5. The boy playing football in the field is my table mate.
6. The thief, who was caught by the police last night, has been locked up in the *.

1 is going to station of arrival the train was
2 which London came tonight I also has
4 which some housework had to make
3 any exactly not to be worth worrying to lead to my hometown that road extremely to be narrow
5 that boy who played the soccer in the drill ground is I shares a table
6 that thief who is held by the police to invest last night the jail

One train will be arriving from London to the I have 2 this evening to do some household chores 3 Nothing to worry about should 4 to that of my homeland very narrow road 5 To play soccer on the playgr...

1. train will be arriving from London to the
I have 2. this evening to do some household chores
3 .Nothing to worry about should
4. to that of my homeland very narrow road
5. To play soccer on the playground at the boy of my table are
6 .last night by the police to seize the thief that was put in jail 希望可以帮到你~!