1.The sky__blue just now.Now it__grey


1.The sky__blue just now.Now it__grey
2.It__an egg a week ago.Now it__a duckling.
3.I__a girl now.But ten years ago,I__ a baby.
4.We__in the playground.Now we__in the playground.
5.There__some apples in the box.But now there__nothing.
6.__careful!The traffic light__red.
7.__you at home last night?No,I__in the supermarket with my mum.
8.They__chicks.But now they__hens.
1.It is a sunny day today.(用yesterday代替today)
2.They were puppies.改为单数句
3.The sofa was near the window.改成一般疑问句
4.I was born (in Shanghai).对括号里提问
5.The caterpillar likes eating (leaves).对括号里提问
6.I put the silkworms on the (leaves).对括号里提问

一.用be的适当形式填空1 The sky (was) blue just now.Now it (is) grey.2.It (was)an egg a week ago.Now it (is) a duckling.3.I (am) a girl now.But ten years ago,I (was) a baby.4.We (were) in...