11.We had learnt more than 2,000 English words ______ last term.


11.We had learnt more than 2,000 English words ______ last term.
A.at the end of B.by the end of C.in the end of D.to the end

A.at the end of 在尽头,在结束时; 表时间点,一般句子用过去式
B.by the end of 在结束时,到结束为止; 表时间段,一般句子用过去完成时
C.in the end of 终于,最后
D.to the end 到底;始终;直到最后
这里 had learnt 指过去的过去,用了过去完成时
因此选B.by the end of 为正确答案