高一英语划分的几句句子 划主谓宾成分求解she began to live in Dalianin many situations the way you say something is far more important than what you sayshe left her job unfinished的unfinished是宾补 they selected him chairman中的chairman为什么不是宾补呢!the tape recorder is on the desk


高一英语划分的几句句子 划主谓宾成分求解
she began to live in Dalian
in many situations the way you say something is far more important than what you say
she left her job unfinished的unfinished是宾补 they selected him chairman中的chairman为什么不是宾补呢!
the tape recorder is on the desk

she是主语 began是谓语to live in Dalian是宾语
in many situations是状语 the way是主语you say something是定语
is是系动词 far more important 是表语than what you say是状语
she 是主语 left是谓语 her job是宾语 unfinished是宾补
they 是主语 selected是谓语 him是宾语 chairman是宾补
the tape recorder是主语 is是系动词 on the desk是表语