

你的朋友linda在美国留学有困难,要你给她回信,帮她出主意 新的环境无法适应 没有朋友 孤独

Dear Linda: I feel really sorry about the problems you've told me last time.To handle these problem, the first thing you should do is find a Chinese student organisation or something like that,you...在帮下忙,把这些条件添进去好吗1:努力学好英文,与周围的人多教流2:助人为乐,给别人留下好印象3:多参加科余活动,扩大交友面谢谢!!Dear Linda: I feel really sorry about the problems you've told me last time.To handle these problem, the first thing you should do is find a Chinese student organisation or something like that,you know, one of the advantage of being a chinese is that we can find our member anywhere ,right?Secondary, try to make yourself more outgoing,make your english more influent,communicate more with others in order to make more friends.And for this,the third thing you should do is thattake part in more activities,broaden freind-searching range ,What's more,you are suppose to be like good Samaritans, because by this ,youcan make a great impression on others,easier for you tomake friends.And by the way, our hearts are really with you,just write to us if you are lonely(even including your previous teachers)!