仿写 we are the best


仿写 we are the best
One day,the eyes,the nose,and the ears were fighting.1.
The eyes said,“ I am the best.I can see everything!” 2.
The nose said,“ I am the best.I can smell everything!” 3.
The ears said,“ I am the best.I can hear everything!” 4.
Then the face said,“ I am the best.” 5.
"Without me,you can’t see anything." 6.
"You can’t smell anything.You can’t hear anything." 7.
"We are the best." 8.

One day,the fire,the water,and the wind were fighting.1.
The fire said,“ I am the best.I can warm everything!” 2.
The water said,“ I am the best.I can wash everything!” 3.
The wind said,“ I am the best.I can blow everything!” 4.
Then the earth said,“ I am the best.!” 5.
"Without me,you can’t warm anything." 6.
"You can’t wash anything.You can’t wind anything." 7.
"We are the best." 8.