6._______ she first heard of the man referred to as a specialist.


6._______ she first heard of the man referred to as a specialist.
A.That was from Stephen C.It was from Stephen that
B.It was Stephen whom D.It was Stephen that
7.It was essential that the application forms ________ back before the deadline.
A.must be sent B.would be sent C.be sent D.were sent
8.The manager promised to keep me _______ of how our business was going on.
A.to be informed B.on informing
C.informed D.informing
9.She never laughed,______ lose her temper.
A.or she ever did C.or did she ever
B.nor did she ever D.nor she ever did
10._______ we have finished the course,we shall start doing more revision work.
A.For now B.Now that C.Ever since D.By now
11.John regretted _______ to the meeting last week.
A.not going B.not to go
C.not having been going D.not to be going

6.D (It was ... that...)7.C (It was + 表示强调的词 + that.+(should) do sth,这里should可以省略)8.C (keep sb + 动词被动语态)9.B (sb not/never do sth,nor do sb do sth)10.B (Now that既然...)11.A (regre...