

1.I don’t feel very well.Mum asked me ________ this morning.
A.what the matter B.what is wrong C.what was the matter D.what wrong was
2.Could you tell me ____?(2001西宁)
A.where is the post office B.who knows the answer
C.what are they doing D.when does the shop open
KEY:1.C 2.A
我不知道第1题中能不能用“what the matter was”?第2题中为什么选A不能选B?不是说宾语从句后面要用陈述句的语序吗?
我觉得第2题中的who knows 应该是就是要用单数形式的吧,因为我们平时不是经常会说who knows?

第1题不能用“what the matter was”因为“what is the matter ”是固定语句 ,固定语句不需改变语序.
第2题中know为第3人称单数 knows 所以选B不行.