The pretty house,____ is always locked is my brother's .Which of the following answers is wrong?


The pretty house,____ is always locked is my brother's .Which of the following answers is wrong?
A.which door B.whose door C.the door of which D.of which the door 填什么?


先行词时 house ,which指代house,不能用which door,因为房子和门是从属关系.好吧,在帮我找出两个错答案,O(∩_∩)O谢谢我晕。。。。其实最开始我选好了答案是C,只有它最标准。可惜一看选错的才。。。 whose是所有格,但是一般指人,不指物C/D 就是看顺序了 只有 the door of which , 没有D这样倒装顺序的说法。好吧,我们的老师有可能改错了,我选的C,我看看,要不明早把分给你吧,谢谢!不好意思,差点误导你了,应该是选D的,正常语顺里面是 the door of which ,但是在定语从句中,the door 才是主语,of which是作定语修饰the door,刚才是我一下卡住了。