用different habit always card present usually often never get send ok ticket pair trainer jeans t-shirt concert box silk


用different habit always card present usually often never get send ok ticket pair trainer jeans t-shirt concert box silk shirt magazine novel cd choose lot clothes music singer on its think 用尽可能多的单词,造成一篇小短文

People get different habits in their lives because of their different experience.At present,lots of people never send a postcard to communicate with each other though they think it's ok,but there are also a few people like using it.Some people always go to the cinema with tickets for its atomsphere,but some think watching a new movie on the Internet is more convenient.Some usually go to the gym to do exercises under the instructions of a trainer.when going to the concert or box,people wear different clothes.Some like being there with a T-shirt and a pair of jeans,while some with a silk shirt.Some people like reading magazines in their spare time,while some love novels.When listening to the cds,different people choose different types of music and different singers.