

The book cost me (23yuan)
He weites to his friend (three times a month)
We write words (with our hands)
He has (three) pens
He can't ride a bike (because he's too young)
It's (about 5 kilometres away )from her to the People's Hospital.
Lucy and Lily are in (Grade Two)
He often goes to school (by bike)
It's (Sunday)today.
It will be (loudy)tomorrow.
John will be back (in an hour)
I(have got a headache.)
It's cold,___ ___?
Lucy goes to school by bike,__ ___?
The boy has a dog,___ ___?
He can read the book in the room__ ___?
He did right,___ ___?
Some of us are good at English,__ ___?
There's a police car over there,___ ___?
He needs some help,___ ___?
They can't swim,___ ____?
She won't go to bed until 11,___ ___?

How much did the book cost you?How often does he write to his friend (weites这个词是不是错了应该是writes吧)How do you write words?How many pens does he have?Why does he can't ride a bike?How does he o...