"It's raining heavily,"said Bob,(looking) out of the window.使用looking的原因是什么拜托各位大神


"It's raining heavily,"said Bob,(looking) out of the window.使用looking的原因是什么拜托各位大神
The police found there ___ much blood and pieces of glass on the scene of the traffic accident when they arrived.A.being B.is C.was D.were 选A为什么不可以?Two-thirds of the coins dug on the island ___ from 221BC.A.dates B.date C.is dated D.were dated 为什么选B?"It's raining heavily,"said Bob,(looking) out of the window.使用looking的原因是什么

(1)There be句型,不用被动形式.由句子时态可排除B,再看后面所接的blood、glass都是不可数名词,选C.(2)date back,追溯到……,是一个客观事实,用一般现在时;再由coins可知date要用原形,选B.(3)Bob在说前面这句话的同时望着窗外,用looking表示前一个动作进行时,后一个动作的伴随状态.