

1.He ()the dictionary three days ago
He()()the dictionary()three days(买)
2.She()here yesterday./ She ()()here ()a day ago(来)
3.My father()the Party in 1990
My father()()()the Party()1990(加入)
4.They ()home when they were ten
They()()()()home()they were ten(离开)
5.I()book from the library two weeks ago
I()()the book ()two weeks(借)
6.My grandpa()last year./ My grandpa()()()()a year(死)

1.He (bought)the dictionary three days ago
He(has)(had)the dictionary(for)three days(买)
2.She(came)here yesterday./ She (has)(been)here (since)a day ago(来)
3.My father(joined)the Party in 1990
My father(has)(been)(in)the Party(since)1990(加入)
4.They (left)home when they were ten
They(have)(been)(away)(from)home(since)they were ten(离开)
5.I(borrowed)book from the library two weeks ago
I(have)(kept)the book (for)two weeks(借)
6.My grandpa(died)last year./ My grandpa(has)(been)(dead)(for)a year(死)