用go ,see,not,want ,not think,watch,bring,have,paly ,not like,be,do 的适当形式填空


用go ,see,not,want ,not think,watch,bring,have,paly ,not like,be,do 的适当形式填空
1 I that shirt .It's too expensive.2 They want to a movie this afternoon.3 Can you some things to school?4 I you like thrillers 5Let's baseball 6 my father aften TV in the evening.7 Jack a great sports collection 8 you often a movie?9 Bill French fries.10 Tom wants a Beijing Opera actor(演员)

1.don't want 我不喜欢那件T恤.它太贵了.2.watch 他们今天下午想看一场电影.3.bring 你可以带些东西去学校吗?4.don't think 我认为你不喜欢恐怖片.5.play 我们去打篮球吧.6.watches 我父亲晚上经常看电视7.has 杰克...