4.(Multiple Choice) Given that ,p = 11,x = 4,,what is the value of .


4.(Multiple Choice) Given that ,p = 11,x = 4,,what is the value of .
4.\x05(Multiple Choice) Given that x^2+3xp+p^2=5,p = 11,x = 4,,dp/dt=0.1what is the value of .
5.\x05Suppose the in Boston the wholesale price of oranges (in dollars per crate) and the daily supply ( in thousands of crates) are related by the equation
\x05If there are 4 thousand crates available today at a price of $25 per crate,and if the \x05daily supply,x ,is changing at the rate of -0.3 thousand crates per day,at what \x05rate is the price changing with respect to time today?(Use the implicit \x05differentiation).

1a   2. x=3