21.He is in good t_________,so now is the time to tell him you've crashed his car.


21.He is in good t_________,so now is the time to tell him you've crashed his car.
1.He is in good t_________,so now is the time to tell him you’ve crashed his car.
2.The monster has a habit of sleeping with his eyes w_______ open.
3.All these anxieties made him look p______and tired.
4.Life is not always sweet.Sometimes we have t_______ times in our life.
5.I know he’s often b___________ but really,you know,he’s got a heart of gold.
6.A t_______ shared is a trouble halved.
7.There was hardly any c__________ news in the papers during the tough time.
8.The kids are always running a_______ in the garden.
9.Children e_________their feelings by crying.
10.There is an e__________ of happiness on every face.
11.I w______ at his doing that.
12.The rose was chosen as the star flower because of its p___________.
13.The buckets are made of p_______.
14.She never c_________ about anything but gives her smiles to everything.
15.This is very difficult.Let’s do it t_________.
16.English is becoming more and more p__________.
17.Can you speak English i________ of Chinese?
18.He did quite well in the competition t______ he was a little boy.

1.He is in good temper,so now is the time to tell him you’ve crashed his car.
2.The monster has a habit of sleeping with his eyes wide open.
3.All these anxieties made him look pale and tired.
4.Life is not always sweet.Sometimes we have tough times in our life.
5.I know he’s often bad-temper but really,you know,he’s got a heart of gold.
6.A trouble shared is a trouble halved.
7.There was hardly any cheerful news in the papers during the tough time.
8.The kids are always running around in the garden.
9.Children express their feelings by crying.
10.There is an expression of happiness on every face.
11.I wonder at his doing that.
12.The rose was chosen as the star flower because of its popularity
13.The buckets are made of pine.
14.She never complains about anything but gives her smiles to everything.
15.This is very difficult.Let’s do it together
16.English is becoming more and more popular
17.Can you speak English instead of Chinese?
18.He did quite well in the competition though he was a little boy.
祝开心~!25题应该是bad-tempered吧?33题因该是plastic吧???是bad-tempered,但是赶时间没注意写错了。33 是pine 没错,谁说水桶就不可以是木头做的了。哦,谢谢,可不可以看一下我的另外2个提问?满意请按下选为满意答案按钮!答题不易。你的提问待会向我求助,或者把链接通过百度hi发给我,我给你看看。