对话 a:excuse me, w() is that tall lady ? b:she's my f() teacher.h() name is lily green.


对话 a:excuse me, w() is that tall lady ? b:she's my f() teacher.h() name is lily green.
还有A:she looks young and beautiful. what s() does she teach?
B:she t()english.and she'sa() good at singing.
A:r()?can she play any sports?
B: yes, she d()well in playing badminton.too.she often p()it with her friends at the weekend.

a:excuse me,w(ho) is that tall lady b:she's my f(oreign ) teacher.h(er ) name is lily green.
A:she looks young and beautiful.what s(ubject ) does she teach?
B:she t(teaches ) english.and she's a(lso ) good at singing.
A:r(eally can she play any sports?
B:yes,she d(oes ) well in playing badminton.too.she often p(lays ) it with her friends at the weekend.