What are your clothes made of ? Are they made of cotton or wool ? Some studentsin Shandong wear different things . Their


What are your clothes made of ? Are they made of cotton or wool ? Some studentsin Shandong wear different things . Their clothes are made of discs (光盘) or old paper !
On October 7 th ,36 students in Liny !. Shandong Province beautiful clothes in a show . Their clohes were made of all kinds of things.
The show gave the students a chance to make things with their own hands . It also helped them learn to make good use of waste and not to throw everything away .
Students had lots of good ideas . Some found used things , like old clothes , to make the dresses .
“We hope to save energy . Our world is short ofenergy . So I don’t want to just throw old things away ,” said Xie Jing atLinyiArt School .
Xie had more than 20 discs on her nice blue dress , She got them from her family and friends .
“Thoughthediscsare old , I look very coolin them !” she said
Song Dandan , a student from the school , looked like a farmer un her straw (稻草)coat and . She picked the straw from the fields and put them all together ..
“ I wan to show what people worein the past.” she said.
Du Yue made clothes for astronauts(宇航员) !She had white cloth all over her .
“I hope to wear it in space ( 太空)some day .I wish that I could walk on the moon ! ” she said .
()1.The passage mainly talks about ()
A. How to look cool
B. a special fashion show
C.how to make clothes
D. energy saving
()2. The student’s clothes were made of ()
C.waste paper
D.all kinds of things
()3. The underlined(画线)word “short “ in the sentence “Our world is short of energy .” has the same meaning as “short ” in the sentence “ ( ) ”
A.I’m short of money . Can you lend me some ?
B.It’s only a short way from here .
C.The man is short .
D.She was here a short time ago

3.A  短缺C怎么感觉这个题是你自己出的,一题一题拿出来哈C