The Greens wat to go to England for vacation.It's () 25.Mr.Green is () their clothes into their


The Greens wat to go to England for vacation.It's () 25.Mr.Green is () their clothes into their
bags.But Jim is ().What ( ) his pet bird,Polly?He can't ( ) her to England by plane.Suddenly he has an ( )." I can ask my friend Ling Feng ( ) help," he says."He will take care of her while ( ) away "
Now it's 7 o' clock.The Greens are ( ) for their happy journey.They will leave Beijing at 7:50 and ( ) in London at 22:30.(上面和下面是一起的)

The Greens wat to go to England for vacation.It's (December) 25.Mr.Green is (putting) their clothes into theirbags.But Jim is (worry).What ( about) his pet bird,Polly?He can't ( take) her to England b...