希望各位英语达人 帮我写篇作文吧 要用过去时 "A day to remember"


希望各位英语达人 帮我写篇作文吧 要用过去时 "A day to remember"
提示下.1.When was the day?2.What happened that day 3.How did you feel 所以别很深奥 - -、 帮小弟 嘻嘻 下面的 是不错 写十月份放假的 不用写老师

我写的是一次旅行,内容编的,不要介意哦.Last vacation,together with my friends,I went to Suzhou.ONour way there,we were in a state og great excitement because it was our first trip to this famous city.We...