

现在请你以“whom do ask for help when we are in trouble?”为题,参照表内所提供的信息,写一篇英语短文.字数:60词左右.开头部分已给出,不计入总次数.
people reasons
1.classmates or friends 1.
2.teacher or parents 2.
3.themselves 3.
whom do we ask for help when we are in trouble?I did a survey on whom we ask forhelp when we are in trouble.Different students have different ideas.

Whom do we ask for help when we are in trouble? I did a survey on whom we ask forhelp when we are in trouble.Different students have different ideas. Some of the students ask their classmates or friends for help because they think their friends are in their age and this provides a comfortable setting to talk. Some of the students ask their teachers or parents for help because the teachers and parents have lots of experiences and their job is to help the kids getting out of trouble. The rest of the students ask themselves for help because they don't want to share their trouble with others and they think it's a shame to be in trouble. Different students ask different kinds of people for help when they are in trouble.