1.She gets the postcard from her friend.(对her friend提问) ( )does she get the postcard from?


1.She gets the postcard from her friend.(对her friend提问) ( )does she get the postcard from?
2.I'm buying a present for mv sister.(对buying a present for mv sister提问)
( )( )you(
3.He has got a few photos of the Great Wall.(对a few提问)
( )( )photos of the Great Wall.
4.She's eating an ice cream.(对an ice cream提问)
( )is she(
5Jack is working righe now.(改为一般疑问句,并作回答)
( )jack( )right now?
( ),( )( ).

1 Who / Whom
2 What are doing
3 How many
4 What eating
5 Is working Yes he is / No he isn't