sometimes some times sometime some time四词区别 并且每词造三个句子


sometimes some times sometime some time四词区别 并且每词造三个句子

sometimes意为“有时候”,比如,Sometimes, I will not eat breakfast, because it will be too late to go to school.(有时候,因为上学来不及了,我就不吃早饭.)同理,Lions donnot like water,but sometimes when the weather is hot,they will go into water to cool down. (狮子不喜欢水,但有时候天热,它们也下水凉快去.)Sometimes,my uncle would bring me some sea food.(有时候我舅给我带海鲜来.)
some times意为“好几次”,这里要注意times加了复数是“次数”“倍数”的意思了,不是时间的意思.比如,I have winned the first in my class for some times.(我得班上第一好几次了.)同理,Shanghai is sometimes larger than Dalian. (上海比大连要大好几倍.) I have lent my pen to you for some times!(我都借过你好几次钢笔了!)
sometime 意为“一段时间”,这里的time就是时间段的意思,some就是“一些”“一点”“一段”.比如,This work is really hard, I have done it for some time.(这活儿好难,我弄了一段时间.)其实也可以是“for an hour”"for a year"等等,就是这个意思.同理,The doctor is busy now, please wait for some time.(大夫忙着呢,请再等会儿.)Some time ago, there are no buildings here.(一段时间前,这儿还没房子呢.)
sometime意为某个时候,这个比较特殊,要注意some除了“一些”以外的另一种意思:某个,指不确定的什么东西.比如somebody,someone就是“某人”的意思而不是“一些人”,你肯定明白something是“某东西”,道理一样的.举例如,I will visit you sometime in the next month.(下个月指不定什么时候我去看你.)同理,He cannot remenber the whole story, but it happened sometime ago. (他记不住整件故事了,但以前什么时候肯定有这事.) I know of her, sometime ago she worked in my company.(我跟她脸熟,她以前什么时候在我公司干过.)
times是“次数、倍数”. (注:这个也可以表示“时代”,比如很有名的《时代》周刊就 是这个题目.)