

1.If you don't go to the movie,()
A neither do I B nor do I C so don't I D neither shall I
2.Not everyone considers breakfast diet important,()
A does he B doesn't he c do they D don't they
3.They had to sell their house () they could pay off their father's gambling debts.
A because B that C unless D so
4.()her home,Lucy helps her mother do the housework.
A As soon as she returns B On arriving
C After she gets D Directly she reaches
5.Who is it?
This is the actress () his father claims will marry his son.
A who B whom (C.D忽略~)
6.The telephone () was the invention of Alexander Graham Bell.
A as is known by us B as do we know it
C as we know it D as we know
7.She is rich,and () is better still,very beautiful
A what B that C who D which
8.The baby is general healthy,but every now and then he () a cold.
A do catch B did catch C does catch D catch
9.() I must do another experiment in the laboratory.
A be it ever so late B it is ever so late
C it be ever so late D so late it be ever

1.D从句意来看,意思是“我也不会去”.if引导条件状语从句时,主句当然用一般将来时,就可以排除ABC.2.C根据前否后肯的基本原则,排除BD;everyone做主语时,用they来代替.3.Dso=so that,在此处引导目的状语.根据句意,刚...