

Thus it is not just by freeing you from the labour of mechanical re-typing that a word processor can help you to write.One author (Terence Feely) claims it has increased his output by 400%.Possibly the feeling of having a reactive machine,which appears to do things,rather than just have things done with it,accounts for this—your slave works hard and so do you.
19.It is claimed here that word processors create _____.
(A) a sense of power in the writer's mind
(B) a reluctance in the author to express himself or herself
(C) an illusion as if you were a servant of the machine
(D) a feeling of distance between a writer and his or her work

Possibly the feeling of having a reactive machine,which appears to do things,rather than just have things done with it 上面这句话里有一个很重要的信息reactive machine,可以把这个词组理解为"和你有心灵感...