

It is a rewarding journey.
1.We have with us at the reception…
2.Allow me, first of all, to express our cordial welcome to our distinguished guests.
3.It gives us great pleasure to entertain our distinguished guests here.
4.Renew our old friendship.
5.Comments are welcome./Your advice will be appreciated.
6.Do you still feel the jet lag?
7.Today we gather here to solemnly commemorate…
8.Your presence just honors this meeting.
9.On behalf of all my colleagues, I would like to extend our warm welcome to you.
10.With a sense of great sorrow we bid farewell to…
11.Let us toast to our long-standing/time-honored friendship.
12.We go back with a full load of friendship.

It is a rewarding journey.这是一次收获之旅(言简意赅).(或,这是一次收获颇丰的旅行.)1.We have with us at the reception…这句话的意思根据我的理解应该是:参加本次招待会的有…(罗列人名)2.Allow me, fir...