求一篇初一英语作文,How do you spend the Spring Festival,你怎么过春节,用现在进行时


求一篇初一英语作文,How do you spend the Spring Festival,你怎么过春节,用现在进行时

Today is the Chinese new year.Everywhere in the street are red,red colour means happiness in China.My parents and I is eatting in my grandparents' home.My uncles and aunties are also eat with us.My grandma is cooking food for us now,I like her food,my dad is drinking with my uncles,I am watching TV.I love watching cartoon,and I love Chinese new year!今天是中国年.街上到处都是红色的,红色在中国代表幸福.我爸爸妈妈和我在爷爷奶奶家吃饭.我的叔叔阿姨也和我们一起吃饭.我奶奶现在正在给我们做饭,我喜欢她做的饭,我爸爸在和我叔叔喝酒,我在看电视.我喜欢看卡通片,还有,我喜欢中国年.