1.Mary isn't here.She ____ (go) to the shop.2.I ____ (buy) the book yesterday.


1.Mary isn't here.She ____ (go) to the shop.2.I ____ (buy) the book yesterday.
3.____ you ____ (stay) here till next week?
4.Have you seen the play ____ (show) in People's Theatre?
5.The ad for a new car is the best one that I have ever ____ (see).
6.What ____ you ___ (do) at that time last week?
7.look ,what ____ they ____ (do) in the park?
8.While the boy ____ (watch) TV ,his cat jumped down from the table.
9.Liu Xiang ____ (win) the gold medal at the 2004 Olympics.
10.When I saw him ,he ____ (wait) for the bus.

1 has gone ( 根据前半句可知人不在这里,故用现在完成‘ 去了某地了
2 bought ( yesterday 昨天,一般过去时
3 Will ,stay
Are ,going to stay ( next wek下周,一般将来时
4 showing 现在分词作状语.
5 seen 现在完成时( have + 动词的过去分词
6 did,do ( last week 上周.用一般过去时
7 are ,doing ( look是现在进行时的标志
8 was watching ( while 后接进行时,根据,jumped可知是过去进行时
9 won ( 2004 已过去,故用一般过去时
10 was watcing ( 根据:when ...可知用过去进行时