请帮我解决9问英语口语问题1:Do other people think you two are similar?2:what do you thin of the


请帮我解决9问英语口语问题1:Do other people think you two are similar?2:what do you thin of the
changes in family structure over the past few years?3:In what way do you think these changes will affect society?4:what has been done by the government to support families?5:do you think men's/women'srole in the fanmily has changed?why?6:what will be the results of these changes in the future?

1.其他的人也认为你们两个像(相似)吗?2.对于过去几年中家庭结构的变化 你有什么想法(你是怎么认为的)?3.你认为这些变化将会 对社会有什么影响(怎么样影响社会)?4.对家庭的资助(扶持)*做了哪些 事情(方面...