The man,of whom the red car is parked in front of our house,is a worker.


The man,of whom the red car is parked in front of our house,is a worker.
改错,of whom一定要改成whose?
看到语法书上有这样的句子:There are in this class 20 students,whose/ of whom the backgrounds are different.这句话为什么二者皆可呢?

of whom是其中的意思.所以它不能做the man的定语.因为the man 只是一个人.
如果改成whose的话必须去掉后面的the.whose是“他的” 的意思看到语法书上有这样的句子:There are in this class 20 students, whose/ of whom the backgrounds are different. 这句话为什么二者皆可呢?谢谢!