初2英语作文 邓亚萍


初2英语作文 邓亚萍
1、邓亚萍1973年6月2日出生于河南省。2、她是我国著名的乒乓球运动员3、在她五岁的时候,她开始打乒乓球。4、1983年,她加入了河南乒乓球队。5、现在她因乒乓球而世界闻名。6、我认为我们应该向她学习 200字

Deng Yaping is an famous Pinpang athlete in China.Many people think she is a hero. She was born on June second,1973 in Henan province.And she started to play Pinpang in her 5 years old. In 1983, she joined Henan Pinpang team.She's also very famous all over the world now,beause of Pinpang.I think we should learn from her.