The best way of learning English is t____ in English as much as possible.Sotimes you'll get you words mixed up ang peopl


The best way of learning English is t____ in English as much as possible.Sotimes you'll get you words mixed up ang people can'u___ you.Sometimes people will says too quickly ang you can't understand them.But if you keep your sense of humor,you can always h____ a good laugh at your mistakes.It's better for people to l____ at your mistakes than to be angry with you.Because they don't understand what you said.The most important thing for l_______ English is that don't b_____ afraid of m____ mistakes,because everyone make mistakes."Mistake can make you make p______."

Talk ;Understand ;Have ;Laugh ;Learning ;Be ;Making ;Progress 我也不知道对不对...一般没多大问题...