

Lots of kids want to keep healthy by eating well. Here’s something kids can do to eat healthily: Learn the difference between Go, Slow and Whoa foods.
The U.S. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute asks kids to start thinking about whether foods are Go foods, Slow foods or Whoa foods.
Go foods
These foods are good to eat almost anytime. They are the healthiest ones. Examples: tofu, water, fresh fruits(apples, oranges, bananas, etc. ) and fresh vegetables(carrots, tomatoes, etc.)
Slow foods
We should eat these foods sometimes. We shouldn’t eat them every day .At most(至多) , eat them a few times a week. Examples:100% fruit juice , sports drinks and pancakes.
Whoa foods
These foods should make you say that —whoa ! Should I eat that? Whoa foods are the least healthy. Examples: ice-cream .cakes, and candy. Now you know the difference between Go, Slow and Whoa foods. You can choose what to eat. Be sure to tell your patents about the three groups. Then every one in the family can learn when to say Go and when to say Whoa!
1、Kids should learn the ____ between Go,Slow,and Whoa foods to eat ____.
2、We should eat ___ ____ like tofu almost anytime.
3、Pancakes and sports drinks are both ____ ____.
4、Whoa foods are ____ ____ healthy foods in the three groups of foods.
5、Kids should tell ____ ____ about the three groups of foods.

2、Go foods
3、Slow foods
4、the most
5、the difference