


City is a double-edged sword.The modern city's business and cultural attributes,on the one hand it watered down the door first,family constraints,people gained more freedom,equality and democracy;,but on the other hand,urban people,particularly in large cities people,people's values more inclined to rational and practical technology.Commercial principle is the principle of profit-driven,commercial relationships are basically the city's interests,relationships change and the transfer of the criteria of interest and money.Friendly smiling faces the villages in the city became distant and vague.As a result,people also felt the city would clearly cruel and fickle.The city's many modern facilities and global contacts,not only provides the play gives people many opportunities for creative talent,but also man bundled with the machine of society on the rapid rotation of the gear can not extricate themselves,while the mental and physical fatigue,apathetic.
Now is the urbanization,many people flock to cities,rural people are rushing round their city dreams,to be a city people.Villages have become scattered up,and even some are held.
May be,I was a bit on the rebellious times,even in such a prosperous city,I also difficult to convince their own rebellious heart.Looked at the photos bird's-eye view of Manhattan,New York,which people admire the great human beings of the forest,just makes me think of desert ants on the nest.
I do not like cities,mainly because the city's air - a group rich in carbon dioxide,with the development of civilization of the heat,dust and gas molecules in the mixture.It is my first impression of the city,but also the most profound impression on him.Men and women,the elderly and children,just born and will be the death of a total of several tens of millions of the total lung during breathing of oxygen in this little tiny place on the air.This clemency of the oxygen to go through the nostril filtering machine,car butt baptism.I humble cheap,non-Xian Qi Fu Xiaoshou this civilization.I prefer the wild air in to clean my lungs.
The city's air is hot,is a multi-dust.Heat is because urban people,enthusiastic,vigorous debates,which contain all sorts of people,a variety of ideologies,a variety of attitudes ......much dust,so city inside,people do not see any clear the other side,it is also with urban people,mixed with the fan complex.Rural air and the city is just the opposite,it is cold,clear,and pure people's face is clear.
I was lonely and scared like the lonely people.Therefore,I can not always stay in the city or the total stay in villages.However,I stay in their time or difference is there.I spend half an hour,pacing like a big tree-lined trails,while With just three minutes to pass through the same market.
Be in the prosperous cities are not necessarily lonely,a place where people gather there is loneliness.I always feel a lonely exile.Like an abandoned dog that does not go back to Pakistan focus on looking forward to the masters,like the sozzled poet lying on the wreck down and sigh away the two sides.Fortunate to have a bosom friend good friend of salvation,and life on the road something of a harbor.
To the bustling city to see in Taipei,in the quiet rural Thoughts