初三英语作文 词语与句子


初三英语作文 词语与句子
我是一名初三学生英语成绩在班里14--18之间(共45人) 我想做的是以我这样的英语水平去尽量写好一篇英语作文 说明我的成绩是希望您给的东西尽量不要太超出我的接受水平 希望您帮忙的是总结一些能用上的短语与句子,这些句子是一般人写不出来的“高级句子”例如 There used to be a hospital.另外还有像“我让理发师剪了头发”那个短语. 这样的短语请您多总结一些 我会很积极去背 如果考试我有个好成绩我相信您也很开心.

I am a student the third grade in English 14--18 ( 45 ) I want to do is to I such English level to try to write an English composition my achievement is hope you give things try not to be too beyond my acceptance level hope you help is a summary of some use key phrases and sentences, these sentences are generally not written" senior sentence" such as There used to be a hospital. Another like" I let the barber cut my hair" the phrase. The phrase you please summarize some I will be very positive to go back if I have got a good result and I believe you also very happy.