After graduation I'd like to find a job()I can use what I have learnt at school a.whose b.which ...


After graduation I'd like to find a job()I can use what I have learnt at school a.whose b.which ...
After graduation I'd like to find a job()I can use what I have learnt at school a.whose b.which c.where d.That 为什么不能用b或d 修饰job怎么会用where呢

where=in which,表达了一个抽象了的地点状语.这个定语从句这样写:I can use what I have learnt at school in the job.是成立的.翻译为“我能够把在学校学到的应用到这项工作中.”但若选B的话,关系代词which前就缺...