advertising is only part of the total sales effort.but it is the part that attracts the most


advertising is only part of the total sales effort.but it is the part that attracts the most
这句话中第一句的effort做什么解释?他不是(努力,成果)的意思吗?第二句的that前是不是省略了of.第二句不理解.不知道他的结构,特别是the most为什么要放后面.请详细帮我分析下第二句!

1) effort 还有一个意思哦:N-COUNT An effort is a particular series of activities that is organized by a group of people in order to achieve something.有组织的活动2) 没有省略,这个是定语从句,that代替t...为什么"最吸引人注意"不写成themost attracts呢?The part【主语】 attracts【谓语动词】 the most attention 【宾语】比如:你说 I like you会不会说成:I you like?一个道理哦