请围绕“The best time to dezhou”写一篇50词的英语作文


请围绕“The best time to dezhou”写一篇50词的英语作文

Visisting dezhou makes the best memories in my my life.On my arrival,i could hardly wait to tour local places of interest.Besides,the food there was extremely delicious,which i would never forget.During this journey,i made some friends of the same age.i was so fond of dezhou that i felt down when leaving for home.
58字能翻译下什么意思么晕死 楼下的抄袭我的。。参观德州是我一生最美好的记忆。我一到德州,就迫不及待的去参观当地的名胜古迹。另外德州的食物非常好吃,我永远都不会忘记。在路途中我结交了一些同龄的朋友。我太喜欢德州了以至于回家的时候有些失落。知道,不采用他的翻译下什么意思已经翻译了