how do you like for breakfast?some eggs and milk.改病句


how do you like for breakfast?some eggs and milk.改病句
do you like chickenss for lunch?
no,i don't 改病句
there is a lot of milk in the glass 划线部分a lot of 提问
children should eat —— —— ——

1 how -> What
2 chickens -> chicken( 不可数名词,没有复数)
3 How much is there in the glass
4 Children should eat ( more healthy food )第三题不对there isalot ofmilkintheglass 划线部分alotof提问 —————— is there in the glass ? 是三个空啊( How much milk )is there in the glass ?SORRY, 前面的打错了,注意:MILK 是不可数名词,故用HOW MUCH 提问