英语怎样陈述句变成一般疑问句 特殊疑问句 反问句 等 ···急····················


英语怎样陈述句变成一般疑问句 特殊疑问句 反问句 等 ···急····················

例:He is a clever boy.
Is he a clever boy?
没有be动词,看句子的主人是在哪个房间?如果在happy house,句首+Do.如果在sad house,句首+Does.加过Does以后,后面的动词变成原型.
例:1.They study English in the classroom.
Do they study English in the classroom?
2.He jumps rope in the park.
Does he jump rope in the park?
例:I am a teacher.
Are you a teacher?
We are happy?
Are you happy?
This is my book.
Is this your book?
These are our books.
Are these your books?
例:There are some cats on the table.
Are there any cats on the table?
I have many shirts.
Do you have any shirts?
一、变为一般疑问句将陈述句变成一般疑问句,要根据陈述句中的谓语动词及其时态确定疑问形式.其句型特点一般是:助动词或情态动词 + 主语 + 谓语 + 动词 + 其他?
如:The policeman told the boys not to play football in the street.(甘肃省中考题) ______ the policeman ______ the boys not to play football in the street?答案:Did,tell
“一选”就是选择疑问词,被选择的疑问代词有:what,which,who,whose;疑问副词有:where,when,why,how;疑问副词词组有:how long,how often,how soon,how far,how many,how much,how old等.
如:(西宁市中考题) At the age of three,David weighed 20 kilos.(就划线部分提问) ________ did David weigh at the age of three?答案:How much
三、变为选择疑问句将陈述句变成一般疑问句,在问号前加上“or + 所给的被选择部分”.
如:(*中考题) Most young men like popular music.(用 rock music 改为选择疑问句) ______ most young men like popular music ______ rock music?答案:Do,or (from www.zkenglish.com)
例如:1) He’s very friendly,isn’t he?他很友好,不是吗?
2) You haven’t seen it before,have you?你以前没有见过,对吗?
2) You form a question tag by using an auxiliary,a modal,or a form of the main verb “be”,followed by a pronoun,the pronoun refers to the subject of the statement.
例如:1) David’s school is quite nice,isn’t it?大卫的学校还不错,不是吗?
3) You can use a negative statement and a positive question tag to ask people for things,or to ask for his information.
例如:1) You wouldn’t sell it to me,would you?你不会卖给我,是吗?
2) You won’t tell anyone else this,will you?你不会告诉别人,对吗?
4) When you want to show your reaction to what someone has just said,for example by expressing interest,surprise,doubt,or anger,you use a positive statement with a positive question tag.
由肯定陈述句加肯定疑问短句构成的反意疑问句可用以表达对某人所述事情的回应,例如表达兴趣,怀疑或 者愤怒.
例如:1) You’ve been to North America before,have you?你以前去过北美,是吧?
5) When you use an imperative,you can be more polite by adding one of the following question tags.
(will you won’t you would you)
例如:1) Look at that,would you?看看那个,可以吗?
6) “Will you” and “won’t you” can also be used to emphasize anger or impatience.“Can’t you” is also used in this way.
“will you”,“won’t you” “can’t you”也可用以表示愤怒或不耐烦.
例如:1) Oh,hurry up,will you?你快点,行吗?
2) For goodness sake be quiet,can’t you?你能不能安静点?