


1: she even water are not willing to sip, let alone to stay for dinner.
2: he thinks I lied to him, but actually I was telling the truth.
3: this week you are late every day, you are how explanation?
4: the increase in their profits is partly adopted a new market strategy
5: such measures could bring work efficiency
6: we've been in this project spend a lot of money and energy, so we can only continue.

1. She wouldn't stay for some water let alone dinner.
2. He thought I was lying to him, while actually I was telling the truth.
3. You've been late every day this week. What do you have to say about it?
4. Part of the reason for their profit increase was the adoption of the new marketing strategy.
5. Such actions may enhance work efficiency.
6. We have put a lot of money and efforts into this project, therefore we can only go on with it.

1.She won't have any water,not to say stay to have meal.
2.He thought that I was lying to him while actually I told the truth.
3.How can you explain that you were late on everyday this week?
4.A reason of the increase on their profit is that they have taken a new market strategy.
5.Measures like this can make an increase on working efficient.
6.We can only continue with this project cause we have invested much money and energy.

1.She didn't want to drink water, not to mention to have dinner.
2. He thought i was lying to him, but in fact i told the truth.
3.how do you explain that this week you've been late every day?
4.Their profits growing in part the adoption of the new marketing policy.
5.like these measures may be brought to the improve of efficiency .
6.We have put a great deal of money and energy on this project , so we can only continue.