2.Are these your pens (重写句子,使意思与原句基本相同)


2.Are these your pens (重写句子,使意思与原句基本相同)
Are these_____________
4.They get up at six thirty .(就划线部分提问)
What___________________they get up
3.black ,all ,like ,I ,at ,don't(连词成句)
Mary:______time do you usually get_____on Sunday morning
Lily:_________seven thirty .
Mary:What_______ you usually do___________Sunday
Lily:I usually stay at home and do ________ reading .Sometimes I do my homework or clean the house with my mother .What_________ you
Mary:I don't often stay at home .Sometimes I go the park________my sister.Sometimes I basketball with my friends .

2.Are these pens yours?4.What time did they get up?3.I don't like black at all.Mary:What time do you usually get up on Sunday morning Lily:About seven thirty .Mary:What do you usually do on Sunday Lil...