英语19. When you apply for the job, it’s important to be very polite to your ______ employers.


英语19. When you apply for the job, it’s important to be very polite to your ______ employers.
19. When you apply for the job, it’s important to be very polite to your ______ employers.
A) prestigious B) positive C) promising D) prospective
20. Why did he decide to ___ in a history course though he didn’t take any interest in it?
A) enquire B) ensureC) enroll D) enjoy
21. Despite technological progress, food production is still completely _____ on the weather.
A) dependent B) prone C) sensitiveD) independent
22. Her family was making enough money to ______, but not enough to pay that much for her to go to college.
A) hold ontoB) get by C) take stock D) pick up
23. She _____ a job-training program in the city to learn to be a secretary.
A) stayed up for B) ended up with
C) signed up for D) came up with
24. When I recall my university years, I realize what a _____ it was to have nothing to do but pursue an education.
A) luxury B) settingC) tuitionD) context
25. Steve tried to work two jobs in addition to studying full time, but he just couldn’t ___ it.
A) getB) takeC) put D) bring
26. Unlike most politicians she gave higher _____ to human needs than to the pursuit of power.
A) priorityB) prestigeC) prejudice D) promotion
27. She doesn’t take any exercise ____ an occasional game of tennis.
A) as of B) alongsideC) apart fromD) in addition to

19.D. prospective未来的,可能的.
20.Cenroll in 选课,登记
22.B. get by勉强过活
23.Csigned up for 报名
24.A. luxury 奢侈享受.句意为,大学期间什么都不用做只需一心钻研学问,真是享受啊.
25.B take it 承担承受得了
26.Apriority 优先权
27.C.apart from 除了.