

1:她一直在考虑换份工作,但还没有决定.(consider) 2:喝少量酒对心脏有益,但喝多了伤肝.(damage) 3:公司打算在南京在开两家分公司.(branch) 4:请拨打5555-4568了解详细情况.(information) 5:医生建议她尝试慢跑去上学.(suggest) 6:谁对植物非常重要,对人类也如此.(so) 7:究竟是什么使她改变了主意?(cause) 8:如果你不听从医生的建议,你很快就会后悔的.(in no time) 谢谢!

1.She has been always considering changing jobs,but hasn't decided yet.2.Drinking a little does a heart good while drink too much harms to liver.3.The company planed to open another two branches in Nanjing.4.Please dial 5555-4568 for get detailed informations .5.The dorctor suggested that she should jog to school.6.Whoever is important to plants,so is human.7.What on earth caused her to change the mind?8.You'll be regetful in no time if not following doctor's advice.