How do you study for a test? By reading the textbook.How about you?


How do you study for a test? By reading the textbook.How about you?
I usually stuby by looking at old tests.
How do you study for a test? By reading the textbook.How about you?I usually stuby by looking at old tests.什么意思

我通常是通过研究考过的试题来学习的. 这是英语九年级的题目,此处的look at 最好不要翻译成“看”之意,用它的引申义,仅供参考.有3句..前两句是:对一次考试(测验),你是如何学习(复习)的?通过阅读课文。你呢?(对一次考试(测验),你是如何学习(复习)的?)(How about you?是用来问别人相同的话题,应根据具体语境去翻译)