帮我写英语作文内容5~6年级的(不少与五句话) 写一篇财富奖励:1


帮我写英语作文内容5~6年级的(不少与五句话) 写一篇财富奖励:1

You might think that I'm a little weird but I don't actually like summer.Why?Because it's hot and you get sweaty very often.The most important reason I don't like summer is that I like snow and for sure there is no snow in the summer.Of course, I love summer vacation and all the sports you can play in the summer but it just isn't what I like so I choose to like winter better.
There are fourseasonsinayear spring,summer,fall(autumn) and winter.Inspring,the plants are all green, It'svery pretty especially the flowers they are all different colors.Insummer,I can swim withmyparents or my friends we can have a ton of fun.Infall ,the trees turn yellow and the leaves fall,to others it might be bad but to me it's great.Why?Because is some small streets when autumn comes it's just amazing.In winter,we can make a snowman and we can go skiing.In all four seasons, we can have a lot of fun.I love all four seasons!