英语语法问题 Shanghai lies _the east of China and _the northeast of Guangdong.(填to或in)


英语语法问题 Shanghai lies _the east of China and _the northeast of Guangdong.(填to或in)
Shanghai lies _the east of China and _the northeast of Guangdong.(填to或in)
Peter says that the Whites are on holiday,but no one knows where they have _(填been或gone)
Julie_ her good friends likes singing(填as well as或also或then)

1.in,to in表示在境内;to表示在*且不相互接壤
2.gone has gone to表示现在已经去某地了,还没有回来;has been to表示去过某地,现在已经回来了
3.as well as 这是固定用法,链接两个主语,“和”、“同”.