理想中的中学生活英语作文 短一点


理想中的中学生活英语作文 短一点

After military training, I eventually started my senior high school (It was worth saying that I won a prize for hard work in training.)On the first day, everyone was excited and really enjoyed it,...谢谢 能告诉我什么意思全文都要嘛?我想 你能全能告诉我(⊙_⊙)?你还有再短的吗 要有谢谢啦After military training, I eventually started my senior high school。 军事训练后,我终于开始了我的高中生活。On the first day, everyone was excited and really enjoyed it, so did I. We greeted our new teachers and when we had classes, we introduced ourselves.开学第一天,每个人都很兴奋很愉快,我也是的。有了新班级以后,我们和新老师打招呼,作自我介绍。Everything was brilliant. We study in a new classroom with new desks and chairs. We also have new equipment. I found two air conditioners in my classroom and one in my dormitory.一切都是阳光明媚的。我们在一个有着新课桌和椅子的新教室里面学习。我们的教学设备也是全新的。教室中装有2个空调,在我的宿舍也有1只。 Later I found that there are many differences between junior and senior. What’s more, the older we are, the harder we need to work. Most of my teachers teach very fast at class, so we need to work hard.后来我发现初中和高中有着很大的区别。更重要的是,我们越年龄越大,我们越是需要努力学习。我的大多数教师教的很快,所以我们需要很认真的学。We always have choices, to choose what kind of life we want, to choose how to spend a day, to choose what to do when meeting a problem. I will choose to work hard, for my future and my dreams.我们总是面临选择,选择自己想要的生活,选择如何度过一天,选择遇到问题的时候怎么办。我会选择努力学习,为我的未来和我的梦想。I’m looking forward to my new life. I’m working for it我很期待我的新生活。我时刻为它准备着。这是修改的,很短了xiexie不客气。